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Since 1992 Korczakianum has been involved in publishing the collected works (Dzieła), which encompasses Korczak’s complete literary legacy. Out of the planned 16 volumes, 14 have (as of 2017) already been published.

Apart from the frequently reissued titles, such as How to Love a Child and King Matt the First, the collected works feature a variety of lesser known (or completely unknown) texts. Such new material makes up over half of Dzieła. Its Polish edition was (and will be) the basis for Korczak’s collected works in other languages, including German (now completed), French and Hebrew.

Korczakianum has also been actively processing the substantial source material complementing and broadening our knowledge of instititions, persons and issues close to Korczak’s heart. That series is called „Z kręgu Korczaka. Tematy – Ludzie – Dokumenty” (Inside Korczak’s circle. Topics – People – Documents).